Friday, September 21, 2018

Wedding Doings - September 15, 2018

Nephew Buck is marrying today, to a most lovely bride.  The whole family, right on down to cousins, is abuzz with getting ready for the big event.  My grandsons are probably searching YouTube right now for instructions on how to tie a necktie. 

But this post is about Buck, who, in his lifetime, has provided the family with some interesting stories.  (I am certain there are many more good ones I haven't heard.)

Buck was fearless. 

Let's start around age 2, the time of his life when I knew him best, before everyone grew up and struck out in different directions. 

At about age 2, Buck rode his tricycle out of the secluded cove where he lived.  He took a right at the entrance of the cove, and rode several blocks, all the way to busy Central Avenue, where he took another right turn.  His frantic parents caught him pedaling leisurely down the sidewalk, traffic whizzing by him. 

A year or so later, he gave his whole family heart failure when he was caught climbing up the side of a log cabin, using the protruding logs as a ladder.  He was almost to the roof when apprehended.

Another year later, Buck got into his grandmother's car, managed to shift it out of gear, and rolled it down a hill at his family's Christmas tree farm, flattening multiple saplings. 

Fast forward a couple more years.  Buck and his sister spent a few days out in the country at his grandparents' house.  All of his local cousins came to visit.  At some point, Buck's grandparents got into a spat.  Shortly thereafter, Buck went missing.  Grandmother called out to him.  No answer.  She called out again:  "Buck, if you are in this house, you'd better come out right now, or you'll get a spanking when you do come out."  No answer.  Thus began a frantic search.  Grandmother enlisted all of the grandchildren to help find him.  They spread out in all directions, calling for him.  No answer.  Remembering Buck's tendency to wander off, Grandmother drafted one of the older grandchildren to ride up and down the road with her in the car to help look for him.  They scanned the ditches.  They called and called.  No answer.  Grandmother was sure he had drowned in the pond, or someone had kidnapped him on the road.  Finally, someone found him.  He'd been in a bedroom closet the whole time, frightened by his grandparents' argument.  I'm told that he received the promised spanking from Grandmother.  It looks like the one time Buck let fear overtake him, he got in trouble. 

I'm not telling some of the other stories I know.  ;)

I'm guessing that, at this moment, Buck is all dressed up in his wedding clothes, and probably posing for photographs with his beautiful bride Lindsay. 

And I am betting that, although he may be nervous, he is fearless.  :)

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