Sunday, October 21, 2012

Fall Creek Falls - Day Two

Wednesday, October 17, 2012 - Touring the Park

Since it was not very chilly this morning, we opted to cook breakfast outside – sausage and scrambled eggs on the Coleman stove on the picnic table, and gooey, sugary, cinnamon monkey bread in the microwave.  As soon as we’d washed up the dishes, we climbed in the truck for a tour of the park.

Our timing of this trip is perfect; I don’t know if the leaves could be more beautiful.
We’ve stayed here before, and on that trip, we hiked down to the falls, so we weren’t all fired-up about hiking down to the waterfalls again.  Instead, we stopped at the overlooks and peeked at the falls from a distance. 
We were back at the campsite by early afternoon.  I made ham sandwiches, and we ate them at the picnic table, watching squirrels play between the campsites.  One of the afternoon’s more entertaining activities went on in the campsite behind ours.  When the campers who were at this site when we got here decided to leave, they backed into a tree while trying to get their camper out of the site.  When the next campers arrived, they backed their camper into a different tree while trying to get in it.  We tried not to giggle, having done some pretty dumb camping sh*t in our day, ourselves.

About 5 o’clock, we started dinner – steaks on the grill, and fried potatoes on the Coleman stove.  It was almost dark by the time we finished eating.  We attempted to build a fire in the fire pit.  It smoldered and smoked, and finally burst into good flames about the time we gave up and went inside for the night.

Some time during the night, a whale of a storm came up.  Acorns, pine cones, and sticks rained down on our camper until it sounded like we were in a popcorn popper.  And the thunder!  Good heavens!  It shook the ground and rattled the dishes in the drain rack.  Joel worried that the wind would twist the  awning right off the camper, and he went outside a couple of times during the night to adjust it.  I couldn’t sleep, either; the little pull-out that contains our “bedroom” collects heat like an oven, and at some point during the night, I crawled across Joel, pillow in hand, and bedded down on the skinny little couch up front.  Between the heat, the uncomfortable bed, and the storm, neither of us slept much.

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